自然环境风险 Environment risk
股权投资 Equity investment
评估成本 Evaluation cost
事项识别 Event identification
处置成本 Execution cost
实地查验 Field inspection
财务风险与经营风险的搭配 Financial risk and business risk
内部控制的五大要素 Five elements in internal control
产业五种竞争力 Five forces in the competitive approach
集中化战略 Focus strategy
紧缩与集中战略 Focused strategy
职能制组织结构 Functional organization structure
职能战略 Functional strategy
资金活动 Fund-related activities
全球化战略 Globalization strategy
毛利率与净利润率 Gross profit margin and net profit margin
增长型战略 Growth strategy
开拓型战略 Growth strategy
担保业务 Guarantee business
H型结构(控股企业/控股集团组织结构) H type organization structure (Holding company/Group organization structure)
高经营风险与高财务风险搭配 High business risk, high financial risk
高经营风险与低财务风险搭配 High business risk, low financial risk
高长型结构 High growth structure
横向并购 Horizontal merger and acquisition
增量预算 Incremental budgeting
产品生命周期 Industry life cycle
产业风险 Industry risk
信息与沟通 Information and communication
一体化战略 Integrated strategy
后向一体化战略 Integrated strategy - Backward
前向一体化战略 Integrated strategy - Forward
横向一体化战略 Integrated strategy - Horizontal
纵向一体化战略 Integrated strategy - Vertical
产业内现有企业的竞争 Intensity of industry rivalry
密集型战略 Intensive strategy
内部控制 Internal control
多国本土化战略 International subsidiaries strategy
国际战略 Internationalization strategy
资源的不可替代性 Irreplaceable resources
合资经营 Joint investment business
准时生产系统 Just-in-time system(JIT)
杠杆收购 Leveraged buy-out
法律风险 Litigation risk
长期目标 Long-term objective
维持成本 Maintenance cost
管理信息系统 Management information system
市场开发——现有产品和新市场 Market development - existing product and new market
市场渗透——现有产品和现有市场 Market penetration - existing product and existing market
重要缺陷 Material deficiency
矩阵制组织结构 Matrix organization structure
风险度量 Measurement of risk
公司战略的现代概念 Modern concept of corporate strategy
监督 Monitoring
风险管理的监督与改进 Monitoring and improvement of risk management
M型企业组织结构(多部门结构) Multi-divisional organization structure
非杠杆收购 Non leveraged buy-out
内部控制的目标 Objectives of internal control
风险管理的目标 Objectives of risk management
现场检查 On-site inspection
运行缺陷 Operating deficiency
操作风险 Operational risk
期权合约 Options contracts
组织管理能力 Organization management ability
组织资源 Organization resources
组织架构 Organization structure
业务外包 Outsourcing
信息系统外包 Out-sourcing of information system
人员导向性 People-driven
绩效评估 Performance evaluation
资源的持久性 Persistence of the resources owned
PEST分析 PEST analysis
政治风险 Political risk
供应者、购买者讨价还价的能力 Power of buyers or suppliers
预防成本 Prevention cost
基本活动(又称主体活动) Primary activities
内部控制的原则 Principles of internal control
风险管理基本流程 Process of risk management
采购业务 Procurement activities
产品开发——新产品和现有市场 Product development - new product and existing market
产品/品牌事业部制结构 Product/Brand business structure
生产流程计划 Production process planning
生产运营 Production and operation
生产管理能力 Production management ability
产能计划 Production plan
盈利能力和回报率指标 Profitability and rate of return measurement
质量管理 Quality management
反应型战略 Reactive strategy
相关多元化 Related diversification
研究与开发 Research and development
研发能力 Research and development ability
已动用资本报酬率(投资回报率或净资产回报率) Return of capital employed(ROCE)/Return of investment(ROI)/Return of net assets(RONA)
转向战略 Reverse strategy
激励和奖励机制 Reward and incentive system
风险承担 Risk acceptance
风险偏好 Risk appetite
风险评估 Risk assessment
风险规避 Risk avoidance
风险补偿 Risk compensation
风险控制 Risk control
风险转换 Risk conversion
风险转移 Risk transfer
角色导向型 Role-driven
证券投资 Securities investment
重大缺陷 Significant deficiency
稳定战略 Stable strategy
利益相关者 stakeholders"
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