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发布日期:2016-03-14 来源:会计考试网


重要组成部分 Significant component

值得关注的内部控制缺陷 Significant deficiencies in internal control

重大事项 Significant matters

特别风险 Significant risk

重大非常规交易 Significant unusual transactions

特定的审计程序 Specified audit procedures

员工 Staff

统计抽样 Statistical sampling

存货盘点 Stocktake

分层 Stratification

期后事项 Subsequent events

实质性分析程序 Substantive analytical procedures

实质性程序 Substantive procedure

(审计证据的)充分性 Sufficiency (of audit evidence)

补充信息 Supplementary information

测试 Test

控制测试 Test of controls

细节测试 Test of details

特定类别的交易、账户余额或披露的一个或多个重要性水平 The materiality level or levels for particular classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures

治理层 Those charged with governance

错报的临界值 Threshold for misstatements

可容忍错报 Tolerable misstatement

可容忍偏差率 Tolerable rate of deviation

趋势分析法、比率分析法、合理性测试法和回归分析法 Trend analysis, ratio analysis, reasonableness test, and regression analysis

不确定性 Uncertainty

未更正错报 Uncorrected misstatements

标准审计报告 Unmodified audit report

无保留意见 Unqualified opinion

计价与分摊 Valuation and allocation/amortization

穿行测试 Walk-through test

解除业务约定 Withdraw from the engagement

书面声明 Written representation


可接受的水平 Acceptable level

广告 Advertising

过度推介 Advocacy

承担管理层职责 Assume management responsibilities

鉴证客户 Assurance client

鉴证业务 Assurance engagement

鉴证业务项目组 Assurance team

审计客户 Audit client

审计业务 Audit engagement

审计项目组 Audit team

近亲属 Close family

密切私人关系 Close personal relationship

保密 Confidentiality

利益冲突 Conflicts of interest

或有收费 Contingent fee

冷却期 Cooling off period

现任会计师 Current accountant/auditor

直接经济利益 Direct financial interest

董事或高级管理人员 Director or senior officer/senior management

应有的关注 Due care

消除或降低不利影响 Eliminate or reduce threats

项目合伙人 Engagement partner

项目质量控制复核 Engagement quality control review

项目组 Engagement team

外部专家 External expert

密切关系 Familiarity

经济利益 Financial interests

历史财务信息 Historical financial information

直系亲属/ 主要近亲属 Immediate family

独立性 Independence

从实质上和形式上保持独立性 Independence of mind, Independence in appearance

间接经济利益 Indirect financial interest

诚信 Integrity

外在压力 Intimidation/Pressure

关键审计合伙人 Key audit partner

上市实体 Listed entity

长期存在业务关系 Long association (with an audit client)

严重虚假或误导性的陈述 Materially false or misleading statement

非鉴证服务 Non-assurance services

客观和公正性 Objectivity

专业服务 Professional services

拟接受的客户 Prospective client

公众利益实体 Public interest entity

关联实体 Related entity

审阅客户 Review client

审阅业务 Review engagement

审阅项目组 Review team

轮换 Rotation

防范措施 Safeguards

自身利益 Self-interest

自我评价 Self-review

重要且密切的商业关系 Significant and close business relationship

特殊目的财务报表 Special purpose financial statements

鉴证业务的对象 Subject matter of assurance engagement

不利影响、威胁 Threats


兼营 Also engaged in

应计税款 Accrued tax

从价税 Ad valorem tax

加计扣除 Additional deduction

附加税 Additional tax/Surcharge

所得额调整 Adjustment of income

税后所得 After-tax income

准予扣除数 Allowable deductions

税收可抵免额 Allowable tax credit

从量定额 Amount based on quantity

增值额 Amount of appreciation/Value added

销售额 Amount of sales

抵免税额 Amount of tax credit

应纳税所得额 Amount of taxable income

扣除项目金额 Amount of the deductions

适用税额 Applicable tax amount

适用税率 Applicable tax rates

计税成本 Assessable cost

核定所得额 Assessable income

平均成本利润率 Average cost-plus margin rate

平均销售价格 Average sales price

营业税 Business tax

偶然所得 Casual income

所得项目 Category of income

组成计税价格 Composite taxable price

本纳税年度 Current tax year

所得税申报 Declaration of income tax

扣除项目 Deductible items

免税项目扣除 Deduction of the tax exemption item

契税 Deed tax

视同销售 Deemed sales/sales equivalent"


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